Activities and Announcements for week of December 15, 2024
Sunday, December 15
9:00 AM - Sunday School
10:00 AM - Fellowship in Fellowship Center
10:30 AM. -Worship
11:30 PM - Bell Choir Practice
2:00 PM - 4th & Faith Reserved
Live Nativity - 7:0,0. 7:30, 8:00, 8:30
Monday, December 16
10:00 AM - Chair Yoga @ 4th & Faith
2:00 PM - Needles & Hookers
7:00 PM - Boy Scouts
7:00 PM - Barbershop Chorus
Tuesday, December 17
6:30 PM - Cub Scouts/Webelos
Wednesday, December 18
7:00 PM - Chancel Choir
Thursday, December 19
10:00 AM - Chair YOGA @ 4th & Faith
6:00 PM - Pre-K Families Christmas Party
Friday, December 20
Saturday, December 21
Sunday, December 22
9:00 AM - Sunday School
10:00 AM - Fellowship in Fellowship Center
10:30 AM - Worship
11:30 AM - Bell Choir Practice
Luminaries in the Park
Our family would like to invite your congregation to the fourth annual Luminaries in the Park on Saturday, December 21st from 6-8:30
PM at the Dover City Park pond. It is free to the community and we will be collecting canned goods to donate to a local food pantry. Come and enjoy a tranquil walk around the pond amongst luminaries, lights and seasonal music.
St. John’s Christmas Eve Services:
Tuesday December 24, 3:00 pm
Service in the Sanctuary service with music and scripture.
Tuesday December 24, 7:00pm
our traditional candlelight service with music and scripture in our beautiful sanctuary. A truly inspirational service!
St. John’s Music Ministry
St. John's Chancel Choir has been invited and will, once again, be participating in this year's Lessons and Carols service at St. Joseph Catholic Church.This is a community Advent service in which local churches and choirs come together to anticipate and celebrate the birth of Jesus. The service will be held on Sunday, December 8th, beginning at 6:00 pm, (Prelude beginning at 5:30 pm) We invite you to celebrate the season with the music of this season.
Altar Flower/Bulletin Order Form for 2025
Once again it is time to order Altar Flowers /Bulletins orders to be placed in the sanctuary to be dedicated to the memory of our loved ones, or honor persons on special occasions, as well as to enhance our sanctuary’s appearance. NOW is the time to fill out the form below and return it to the church office, along with $12.50for Altars flowers and Bulletins $25.00 This will place your dedication in worship for the year of 2025 only. The orders for Altar Flowers/Bulletins will be for one year. For those of you who prefer fresh flowers, it will be the same policy as in the past. You may purchase them, have them delivered to the church, and then dispose of them after worship. You will also have your dedication to your loved one in the worship bulletin on the date of your choice. Please call the church office at least one week in advance. We will provide a pedestal to display them on the chancel steps. If you have any questions about the sanctuary flowers, please call the church office at 330-364-4458. Order forms can be found in the church office.
Hand Bell Choir
Hand bells practice is on Sunday mornings at 11:30 am. Recalling all past ringers and inviting any new ringers to join us. Adults and children grade 6 and up are welcome. Some music knowledge is helpful, but not mandatory as the music will be numbered and color-coded. Practices are on Sunday mornings. Come try it out!!! Any questions---call Nancy Smith at 330-364-2195.
Church Office Closed
The church office will be closed Wednesday, December 25, in celebration of our Savior’s birth. And on Wednesday, January 1, 2025, for New Year’s Day.
Chair Yoga
Chair Yoga is on Mondays in December at 10am at our Fourth & Faith location. Join us on Monday December 16, 19, 23.
Accessible Parking
The south parking lot (by the accessible entrance) has a limited number of parking spaces labeled for vehicles with an accessible parking
permit and a few more spaces that are not labeled. This parking lot fills up quickly on Sunday mornings and some of our members who need to park close are not able to park in this lot. If you are able to walk from one of our other parking lots, please leave this lot, and the street parking on Wooster Ave, open for our members & guests who need a little extra help getting into the building.
Recycle! Recycle!
When you and your neighbor recycle aluminum cans you are helping the problem of global warming. Cans may be placed in the big brown box in the handicap parking lot. The box was built by Sawyer Thomson as part of his Eagle Scout project. Rudy Tschantz will take the cans to Speedy Salvage. The money received from the cans will go to the organ maintenance fund.
Annual Report Articles
Year end is quickly approaching and the church office is beginning to compile the Annual Report. This booklet serves as a summary of the life at St. John’s throughout the year. We need articles from the committee chairpersons, council boards and any other groups that sponsor activities for St. John’s. Please send your articles to Brenda in the church office (
by Friday, January 3rd to be included this publication. The preferred method is to send the articles in Word format. Copies of the report will be distributed at the annual congregational meeting on January 26th